What are the Most Important Ranking Factors in SEO in 2022?

Want to know how to rank on Google?

Want to show your website on the number 1 position on the SERP results page. Well, everybody wants this right?

Then Search Engine Optimisation is one of the important factors to rank a website in the search engine. But in SEO there are so many factors that are responsible for the ranking of the website. 

Here, are the most important ranking factors in SEO.

  1. Content
  2. Page Speed
  3. ON-Page Optimisation
  4. Internal Links
  5. External Links

  1. Content:- Content is the key for all kinds of websites. High- Quality Content always attracts users to the website. Second thing is that content should be releavant. For Example:- If we are giving the SEO services but the content present on the website related to SMM then how can be a user get the write quiery or service. So, it is important to show the write content.                                                                                                                                                                
  2. Page Speed:- Website should be mobile friendly and loading speed of the website should be less. Because it is noted that if the website is slow the user do not wait till it open for a long. Hence, it comes under the bad user experience.                                                                                                      
  3. ON Page Optimization:- On Page optimization is another important factor for the ranking of the website. On page is necessary because it tell exactlly what is present on the website to the search engine bots or we can say that it helps search engine to understand your website. Internal and external linking is also the part of On Page optimizations.

So, at the end i just want to say that if you want to rank your website on the google search engine and want to appear on the top of the SERP Page than these are the most important factors which you should definetly do. 

 Thank You!


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